Attendees » Local Info

Official Language
The official language of the conference is English and will be used for all presentations and printed materials.

Passport and Visa
All foreign visitors desiring to enter the United States must have a valid passport. No funds are available to assist with travel and registration fees cannot be waived. If, for some reason, your visa application is denied, your registration fees will be refunded to you in full.

Local Time Zones
In late June/ early July, Orlando, Florida, USA will be observing Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) minus 4 hours.

The weather in Orlando in late June/ early July is warm with the following temperatures:

Normal High: 91°F/33°C
Normal Low: 74°F/23°C

Currency Exchange
Only US Dollars are acceptable at regular stores and restaurants. The exchange rate fluctuates daily. For current exchange rates, please visit

Tipping Standards
A gratuity of 15 - 20% on top of a restaurant bill (before tax) is standard. Round up fares for taxi drivers. For skycaps, doormen, porters and bellman, $1 per bag is standard and $2 to $4 per night for housekeeping.

Electricity throughout the United States is 110V, 60 Hz.

Conference Attire
Attire during the duration of the conference is business casual.

Cellular Phones, Pagers and Watch Alarms
As a courtesy to our speakers and other attendees, please turn off any cellular phones, pagers and watch alarms during sessions.

All meeting rooms and seated functions are smoke free. Please adhere to the smoking policy of the Hyatt Regency Orlando.